Now, strangely enough, here I am, supporting logging! Logging on-line. An on-line logging activist even! Of course, online-logging doesn't cut down ancient trees. My kind of logging is "Webb - logging," shortened in the vernacular by some, to just "blogging.'' Now you have the etymology, or is that ent-ymology? (Spelling?)
Check out Will Richardson's blog Weblogg-ed.com. And Robert's, SecondaryWorlds.com. Consider how they are using them in their teaching, and the role of blogs in celebrating and conserving, rather than cutting down, student voices.
Allen-I love the photo! It would be great if you changed your text color though...it's really difficult to read.
You had it right the first time, it's etymology. Unless you were going for a pun with the word "ent" which is a large walking tree in Lord of the Rings, then I guess that would be kinda funny.
Very clever word play Allen! Almost as entertaining as your Hyper-Texting tangent in class ;) It's always neat to find out about other people's passions and hobbies! What else do you have up your sleeve to tell us about? Mountain climbing and tree hugging...what COULD be next
Thanks for writing this.
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